Mr.Khalil Ellaithy - Math (Calculus) - Sec 3

Chapter 1 (Differentiation and its applications)

Chapter 2 (The calculus of exponential and logarithmic functions)

Chapter 3 (behaviour of the function and curve sketching)

Chapter 4 (The Definite Integral and its applications)

Mr.Khalil Ellaithy - Math (Algebra & Solid Geometry) - Sec 3


Chapter 1 (permutations , Combinations and Binomial Theorem)

Chapter 2 (Complex Numbers)

Chapter 3 (Determinants and matrices)

Analatic Solid Geometry

Chapter 1 (Geometry , Measurment in 3-dimensions)

Chapter 2 (Straight lines and planes in space)

Mr. Khalil Ellaithy - Math (Dynamics) - Sec 3

Chapter 1 (Rectilinear Motion)

Chapter 2 (Newton's Laws Of Motion)

Chapter 3 (Impulse amd Collision)

Chapter 4 (Work , Energy and Power)

Mr. Khalil Ellaithy - Math (Statics) - Sec 3

Chapter 1 (Friction)

Chapter 2 (Moments)

Chapter 3 (Parallel coplanar forces)

Chapter 4 (General Equlibrium)

Chapter 5 (Couples)

Chapter 6 (Centre of gravity)